CO2 Calculator
Calculate and offset your CO2 emissions
- Why protect forests in the Americas and not in Germany?
- I want to make more of a difference! Can I also enter into a larger partnership with WI, because I've seen that you have exciting collaborations with companies that involve their customers.
- Why should I as an entrepreneur/school/authority/private individual/etc. calculate and offset my carbon footprint?
- Who is Wilderness International and what exactly does the organization do?
- My company has a very individual profile, how is this taken into account in the calculation?
- How exactly is the carbon footprint calculated?
- What about data protection? How is my data protected at WI?
- What do you mean by compensation?
- How much will the CO2 calculator and the calculation of my carbon footprint cost me?
- What exactly is calculated?
- How up-to-date is the data?
- How does the rainforest offset my CO2 emissions?
- What options do I have for compensation after the calculation?
- Can I also protect my flower meadow and thus insects with WI?
- Where do the calculation data (data sources) come from?
- How accurate is the calculation of my footprint?
- How much will the compensation cost me?
- Does the calculation work the same for everyone - even for other industries?
- How long is the calculation valid?
- How can I refer to my CO2 compensation on my homepage or in advertising? Can I embed the calculator in my website?