How much will the compensation cost me?

The offset amount depends on the level of your emissions.

On an area of 128m2 in a Wilderness International conservation area in Western Canada, 13 tons of CO2 are stored. We protect 128m2 with 100€, which results in a cost of 7.80€ per ton of CO2.

In our protected areas in Peru, it is 8.3 tons of CO2. 128m2 we protect with 96€. This results in an amount of 16.66€ per ton of CO2.

This amount includes:

  • direct refinancing of land purchases and thus, direct and permanent protection of a wilderness area together with our sister foundations in Peru and Canada
  • annual property tax of the nature reserve in the project land
  • research on biodiversity and carbon cycles, in collaboration with local partners, environmental education.

This makes compensation with Wilderness International comparatively very favorable. On one hand, this is because the wilderness areas, unlike other compensation projects, already exist and require no maintenance. On the other hand, it is due to our ability to keep administrative costs minimal. Furthermore, we are one of the few providers that, as a project foundation, assume full responsibility for the data foundation and compensation projects, including research activities, and therefore have no transmission costs. Wilderness International does not act as an intermediary or for economic gain. Our time horizon is based on the age of the ecosystems, with their more than 1,000 year old trees.

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