Why protect wilderness?

Wilderness or untouched nature is the only place where natural processes can take place undisturbed. Only here can countless species find a suitable habitat. Wilderness areas are therefore a refuge where species can survive. When areas are renaturalized, biodiversity can spread from there again. Wilderness areas, no matter where they are located, have many positive effects on the entire planet: clean air, clear water, biodiversity, and climate preservation. They offer places of rest for retreat and recreation, fantastic landscapes, and space for adventure and challenge, or reflection on our roots. Natural areas little influenced by man are becoming rarer and rarer and thus treasures for us and future generations. Nature once altered by industrialization, mining or agriculture can only be repaired with great effort and high costs. That is why we believe that the protection of (still) intact ecosystems brings the greatest benefits for environmental protection. In Germany, too, there were once primeval forests with old trees all over the country. The fact that there is nothing left of it today shows that wilderness cannot be taken for granted. It is our responsibility to protect the remaining wilderness areas, no matter where they are. The natural balance can only be maintained if we no longer just take, but also give. Therefore, it is time to finally give back to nature as well. Let's say thank you for everything she provides us with - let's protect her.

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