What is a wilderness sponsorship?
A wilderness sponsorship is a one-time donation for the permanent protection of a very specific piece of forest. Each euro donated protects 1m2 of forest forever. A donation of 50€, for example, refinances the purchase of 50m2 of rainforest and enables us to protect this area in the long term, as well as the associated environmental education, research and communication efforts. There are no further obligations for you. The sponsorship is purely symbolic. You will receive a wilderness protection certificate with the specific geo-coordinates of the piece of land you helped to protect, as well as a donation receipt after 14 days. This makes your donation tax deductible. We always pay for the purchase of land in advance. Your donation refinances the purchase. This way we make sure that your donation will be used to protect exactly the piece of forest for which you have received the geo-coordinates. You can take a bird's eye view of the area on our sponsorship platform or enter the geocoordinates on Google Maps.