Why don't the Peruvians support the project themselves?
Most Peruvians are absolutely thrilled when they hear about our project and participate directly. For example, our local cooperation partners (the Neotropical Research Station and Guesthouse, locals like Santiago Durand, who now works with us as a forest guardian and guide), as well as former landowners who are happy about the purchase and protection by our organization (like Wasaí Lodge&Expeditions).
Unfortunately, in everyday political and global economic life, short-term profit is all too often placed above the long-term preservation of the livelihoods of all inhabitants of planet Earth.
But we should think twice before condemning people, especially poorer people in the rainforest. Wouldn't we ourselves turn a piece of forest into a field or sell the cleared wood if that were the only way to feed our family and give my children the chance of education? We have to do many things: Protect the rainforest from short-term profit interests, educate about the importance of the rainforest for humanity, and offer the local population a livable perspective without rainforest destruction.