Which research projects does the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) support and who is the contact person for them?
Our contact at the UFZ is Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Huth, who works in the ecological systems analysis department. He advises us scientifically on the extension of our model for calculating carbon fluxes and on forest inventories, which we conduct regularly in Canada. In the future, we are planning another major research project to model biomass in protected native forests. As part of this, we plan to conduct Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) aerial surveys. This will allow us to validate our forest inventories, which form the basis of our model for the CO2 calculator. The scientific cooperation has been consolidated with the diploma thesis of our long-time collaborator Hannes Holtermann on the topic "Carbon Sequestration in a Temperate Rainforest on Porcher Island, Canada".